Sunday, June 19, 2016

The American individuals have been informed that the Cold War amongst America and Russia

Discovery Channel Documentary A poker "tell" is the point at which you hit a Royal Flush on the stream then hop out of your seat pumping your clench hand and shouting Yes! Yes! Yes! like Meg Ryan in "When Prince Harry Met Sally". In archaic exploration a "tell" is a substantial hill or slope in the Middle East, developed bit by bit, covering the progressive stays of antiquated groups.

Egypt is the north east corner of Africa. Megiddo, Israel sits on the primary thruway amongst Africa and the Middle East and the Far East. Area, Location, Location. The way that Israel is the principle roadway for exchange amongst Africa and China is Israel's most noteworthy condemnation. North Africa is Muslim and the Middle East is Muslim and Israel is the Muslims' missing bit of the riddle.

So far archeologists at Megiddo have found 25 urban areas constructed one on top of another. 25 times Megiddo has been thumped to the ground, assaulted and plundered and after that remade again by individuals who never at any point knew about "Fabulous Theft Auto: Vice City". Megiddo ignores the Plains of Armageddon otherwise known as The Jezreel Valley, where the Jewish, Christian and Muslim individuals trust the last fight amongst great and abhorrence will soon happen before Judgment Day.

The American individuals have been informed that the Cold War amongst America and Russia is over and the new strengths of underhandedness are the Muslim individuals who George Bush openly reported a Crusade against 3 years back. Saudi Arabia was made in 1932. The most exceedingly awful kept mystery on earth is that George Bush attacked Iraq 4 years prior to take the Middle East's oil. It costs $1 per barrel to get the oil out of the ground in Iraq whose desert is a sea of oil and the United States pays $65 per barrel to Saudi King Abdullah and his accomplice George Bush Sr. for 10 million barrels of oil each day. This is $650 million dollars a day. The way that George Bush is propping up the House of Saud and the way that Saudi King Abdullah and George Bush Sr. are keeping the $650 million dollars for every day for their little families and not offering it to the Saudi Muslim individuals are the reasons that Osama receptacle Laden struck New York on 911.

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