Thursday, June 9, 2016

Talking again as Charon, the shoot priest(ess) reacts

history channel documentary hd "Pope John Paul II, who had been asking intensely for the souls of Goering and Sartre, addresses the gathering: 'I thought I heard my name and words bandied about from over the room, Messrs. Kennedy, Franklin, and Fenelon. Permit me to whole up your bits of knowledge. In the event that you wish to be siblings, drop your weapons.'"

Talking again as Charon, the shoot priest(ess) reacts, "On the off chance that you wish to be siblings, drop your weapons. Much obliged to you, your Holiness, for summing up our exchange so concisely. I trust that our visitors from the Land of the Living will convey these and the various words back to their homes. To close our soiree, I have asked Mr. Samuel Clemens, the colossal American creator, writer, and speaker, to recount an end address, his War Prayer. Give all of us a chance to recall what we have talked about here along the River Styx. Mr. Clemens, on the off chance that you would."

"'Much obliged to you, Charon,' answers Clemens as he methodologies the gathering. 'A couple of minutes prior, while situated on the cabinet, I read a bit of graffiti on the entryway of the slow down. Clearly, it had been composed at some point tonight by the German-conceived American physiologist Dr. Martin H. Fischer of our gathering. The verse read, The shelter of the ethically, mentally, imaginatively, and monetarily bankrupt is war. That sentence moved me in more routes than one. In this way, in appreciation to Dr. Fischer and in all humbleness within the sight of this social occasion of incredible personalities, I commit my War Prayer, which, shockingly, demonstrates just as pertinent today as when I myself lived:

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