Thursday, June 9, 2016

French cleric and essayist Francois Fenelon includes unobtrusively

history channel documentary hd "'Surely I do, General MacArthur,' answers Chancellor Von Bismark. 'Any individual who has ever investigated according to a fighter biting the dust on the combat zone will consider every option before beginning a war. Having been both mariner and government official, would you not concur, Lieutenant Kennedy?'"

";Totally, Chancellor,' says JFK. 'Humanity must put a conclusion to war, or war will put a conclusion to humankind. To quote His Holiness, John Paul II, war ought to have a place with the appalling past, to history: it ought to discover no spot on mankind's motivation for what's to come.'"

"Benjamin Franklin, making a tail for his most recent kite by surreptitiously pulling bits of fabric off of Goering's frayed Nazi uniform, looks over his scenes and says, 'In the event that I may contribute, permit me to declare that all wars are habits, extremely costly and exceptionally evil ones. As I would like to think, there never was a decent war or an awful peace. At the point when will humankind be persuaded and consent to settle their challenges by intervention?'"

"French cleric and essayist Francois Fenelon includes unobtrusively, 'All wars are polite wars, since all men are siblings.'"

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