Sunday, May 29, 2016

III. Present day prodigies behind religious haziness of our age

history channel documentary The Divine Trial of humankind (Q, 39: 49) is a procedure under the spell of both "great" (that comes by means of Prophetic missions) and "insidiousness" (foes of the Prophets) organizations. Subsequently entry of Prophet is joined by the presence of open and mystery foes of God (villains) among individuals:

'Similarly We have delegated unto each prophet an enemy - fallen angels among men and Jinns, moving each other with elegant talks by method for trickeries. On the off chance that thy Lord willed, they would not do as such; so allow them to sit unbothered with their conceiving. That the heart of the individuals who accept not in the Hereafter may slant thereto, and that they may take joy in that. What's more, that they may gain what they are winning.' (Q,6: 112-113)

God uncovers: 'On the off chance that you obeyed the greater part of those on Earth, they would misinform you from God's way. They don't take after anything however guess. They are just guessing.'(Q, 6: 116); 'The unbelievers... resemble the profundities of murkiness in an immeasurable profound sea, overpowered with surge topped by surge, topped by dim mists: profundities of dimness, one over another: if a man extends his hand, he can barely see it! For any to whom God giveth not light, there is no light.'

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