Sunday, May 29, 2016

As water is sent down from high above to impregnate

history channel documentary science As water is sent down from high above to impregnate the variegated manifestations on the earth, and in like manner from paradise the Divine learning is mixed to the distinctive resources of man's cognizance in earth: '... Which God hath talked by the mouth of all His heavenly prophets since the world started' (Acts, 3: 21). The learning of God was tribally acquired by both pre-human Jinns and people in earth since when the earth was of one dialect and one discourse (Gen, 11: 1-8). God has sent Messengers/Angels likewise to the pre-human Jinns (Q, 6:130), yet a large portion of the Jinn tribes under Satan's spell rejected it and swung to Paganism of unrestrained lies about God (Q, 72). Mme Blavatsky had admittance to the "Book of Dzyan" that has a place with pre-human custom; from that point she composed 'The Secret Doctrine'. It is not hard to imagine from her book how pre-human Jinns have had the learning of early creational ventures before mankind (Insaan) which they specify as Lunar pitris, Sweat-conceived, and Egg-conceived and so on and an extraordinary arrangement about Chohans (rulers in Tibetan), Pitris (Skt. fathers), Jivas (Skt. spirits), Prana (to inhale), bhuta (ghost), Monad (Ätma-Budhhi) and so on - yet we get no unmistakable noteworthiness of the Creator God. This proposed the 'God denying' method of pre-human Jinns which had been kept up till today by means of progressive yields of agnostic virtuosos. The early effect of Satanic mode could be assessed from the maturing movements of false god-hoods (polytheism) around the globe - where none of their heavenly nature could express the totality of the Divine. The procedure of agnostic exaltations includes verging on each part of known fields: divine manifestations (sun, moon, and stars and so forth); the nature and common occasions (land, mountain, ocean, lightning, thunders, storm, tremor, plants and creatures and so forth); necessities (drug, farming, cultivation, chasing, harvest, fermenting, marriage, labor, richness, riches and joy and so on); inventive abilities (music, expressions and information and so on); miracles (cosmology, crystal gazing, enchantment and witchcraft and so forth). Hence different types of Paganism continued mushrooming in better places and at various times without clear direction about "right" and "wrong" in religion.

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