Thursday, August 18, 2016

The idea of atomistic Platonic adoration delineating a nuclear science

history channel documentary The idea of atomistic Platonic adoration delineating a nuclear science to keep the dangerous insidiousness of unformed matter from rising up out of the physical iota, insinuated by Ficino, neglected to achieve the resurrection of the Platonic Science for Ethical Ends. Einstein's E=Mc squared commanded twentieth Century science and achieved the primary development of atomic bedlam from the physical iota. 21st Century nanotechnology, rather than building up the Platonic supra-human survival innovation, quickened Einstein's chief law of all science, toward what Einstein announced to be an inescapable annihilation. The exponential headway of time connected with what is currently alluded to as quantum organic holographic data vitality, was outside Einstein's ability to understand. Einstein's multi-billion year time slip until people must get to be terminated has contracted with the approach of the potential outline of nanotechnology atomic weaponry, which could be conveyed, imperceptible inside a little wallet.

This bad dream situation is the consequence of a Western schizophrenic exploratory mentality. The book Before and After Socrates, by F M Cornford, has been necessary central subjects perusing following 1932, for the propelled training of senior legislative directors, maintaining the structure of Western popular government all through the world. On page 65 the book expresses that, 'Plato and Aristotle are among the best fathers of the Church', which is a jabber explanation, as Plato's scientific examination has been considered by the congregation to be a work of the Devil. Sir C P Snow cautioned that on the off chance that we didn't rejoin science back with the Platonic custom of the Greek Humanities then civilisation must crumple due to the Einsteian world-view. Plato's 'Science for moral finishes' was built upon a scientific fractal rationale stretching out to interminability. Such numerical morals are clearly connected to the living procedure. This is in direct inconsistency to standard science's reality view in which all life must get to be wiped out. Plato's rationale was right, since nanotechnology has uncovered that Candace Pert's particle of feeling evolves as an unending fractal expression.

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